
vendredi 24 janvier 2014

CHA: journey recap part 1 of 2

Hi sweet all!
My jetlagged brain is finally allowing me to write this blogpost to tell you just how much fun i had during my USA trip. Grab a coffee or tea, this will take a moment!
My first 5 days were spend in Anaheim (California) at The Craft and Hobby Mega Show.
Saying the weather was amazing is an understatement and the palmtrees made the whole picture perfect! But the fun, was inside the convention center...

Coucou les tout doux!
Mon cerveau jetlaggué me permet enfin de vous écrire ce message pour vous dire combien je me suis amusée durant mon voyage aux Etats-Unis. Prenez une tasse de thé ou de café, ça va prendre un moment! Les premiers 5 jours, je les ai passés à Anaheim en Californie au Craft and Hobby Mega Show.
Dire que la météo était au top est un sous-entendu et les palmiers rendaient la vue parfaite. Mais la fête se déroulait à l'intérieur du centre de convention...

During the 4 days i was at the show as CHA Designer member, i followed several business seminars, section meetings and creative workshops. I spend the rest of the time walking the Market floor, watching demos and drooling over the new products.
It was so much more enriching than i expected, on all levels!
For me, the best part of all was connecting with people: some i have been in contact with via the web, some were new acquaintances. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to meet them all!

Durant les 4 jours où j'étais au salon en tant que membre Designer du CHA, j'ai suivi plusieurs séminaires d'entreprises, des réunions de section et des ateliers créatifs. J'ai passé le reste du temps à me promener sur le marché, à regarder des démos et à baver sur toutes les nouveautés.
Ce fut tellement plus enrichissant que ce à quoi je m'attendais, à tous les nivaux!
Pour moi, la meilleure partie était les rencontres, d'un côté avec les personnes avec qui j'étais déjà en contact sur le web, d'un autre côté, les nouvelles connaissances. Je me sens privilégiées d'avoir eu la chance de les rencontrer tous!

At the Blogger-Manufacturer networking event, put on by Prime Publishing, from left to right: 
A special thank you to Anita for the Texas Trash (i finished it today, delicious!!) and to Amy for the boxes (more about that later). As for Marjie, my thank you to her will be the subject of another blog post ;))) And a thank you to all of them for the fun dinners together!

A l'événement reseau Bloggueur-Fabricant, organisé par Prime Publishing, de gauche à droite:
Un merci tout spécialement à Anita pour le 'Texas Trash' (que j'ai fini aujourd'hui, c'est délicieux!!) et à Amy pour les boîtes (plus à ce sujet plus tard). Quant à Marjie, mes remerciements feront l'objet d'un tout autre message sur ce blog ;))) Et un merci à chacune d'elle pour les repas sympa ensemble!

My mom in art: Louise Nelson. And for those who say i should call her sister instead, i feel too much like a kid next to such a talent to call her that!

Ma maman scrappesque: Louise Nelson. Et pour ceux qui trouvent que je devrais soeur au lieu de maman, je me sens bien trop gamine à côté d'un tel talent pour l'appeler comme ça!

So good to see my sweet friend Gerry Vangent again!

Cela a fait du bien de revoir ma douce amie Gerry Vangent!

 I finally got to meet sweet Roben-Marie Smith. Be careful if you ever meet her: her fantastic art is contagious! Despite all my efforts not to get contaminated, i couldn't help myself and started a Documented Life art journal! More about that soon :))) 

J'ai enfin pu rencontrer la douce Roben-Marie Smith. Faites attention si un jour vous avez l'occasion de la rencontrer: son art fantastique est contagieux! Malgré tous mes efforts pour ne pas être contaminée, je n'ai pas pu résister et j'ai commencé un art journal Vie Documentée! Plus à ce sujet bientôt :)))

  How so you don't recognise this rock star?? If you know Dylusions, you must know Dyan Reavely!  I'm so thrilled with the new Dylusions colors, especially the neutral grey!

Comment ça vous ne reconnaissez pas cette rock star?? Si vous connaissez les Dylusions, vous devez connaître Dyan Reavely! Je suis super contente avec les nouvelles couleurs, surtout le gris neutre!

I knew i would meet Seth Apter, as i followed one of his classes (which i can only recommend!). Not only do i think he's a talented sweet guy, i love his speech about blurring the lines between creative artforms!

Je savais que je rencontrerais Seth Apter, puisque j'ai suivi un de ses ateliers (que je ne peux que recommander!). Non seulement je pense que c'est un type sympa et talentueux, en plus j'adore son discours sur l'élimination des frontières entre les différentes formes d'art créatif!

I expected a sweet person when meeting Linda Ledbetter, but i met a Lovely Lady with capital L! 

Je m'attendais à une personne douce en rencontrant Linda Ledbetter, mais j'ai rencontré une Dame Adorable avec majuscule!

I also got to meet Karen Ellis (owner of the Art House Studio in Ontario Canada), who took the time for a very instructive lunch with me. Thank you Karen!
And how could i not spend some time with my friend Finnabair?? Thanks for the fun hon!

J'ai aussi pu rencontrer Karen Ellis (proprio du Art House Studio à Ontario au Canada), qui a pris le temps prendre un lunch très instructif avec moi. Merci Karen!
Et comment pouvais-je ne pas passer un bon moment avec mon amie Finnabair?? Merci pour la bonne compagnie ma chérie!

But i also met Wendy Vecchi (can't wait to get my hands on her new Crackle paste!)...

Mais j'ai aussi rencontré Wendy Vecchi (suis impatiente d'avoir sa pâte à craquelure!)...

I missed her so, Nathalie Kalbach! Good to see you again, Nath! (did you see jer new stamp line? yummy!)

Elle m'a tellement manquée, Nathalie Kalback! Ca fait du bien de te revoir, Nath! (z'avez vu ses nouveaux tampons? joliiiiii)

And last but not least: Dina Wakly! Keep an eye out for her new Ranger product line, especially the paints look very appealing to me!

Et en grand final: Dina Wakly! Gardez les yeux ouverts pour sa nouvelle ligne de produit chez Ranger, surtout ses peintures m'ont l'air très appétissantes!

So, you are still here! Good! Because this is where the fun starts for you!!
I didn't come back empty handed and i have a crazy give away coming up. Crazy?? Yes!! 
It includes original art by Nathaly, Finnabair and Dina and some stash straight from CHA! I will have a NY recap on Sunday. If you leave a comment on each recap, i will enter your name twice for the draw. One comment = one chance at winning. Simple as that. Ready? Comment! And don't forget to check back on Sunday for my NY recap!

Hé ben, vous êtes toujours là! Bien! Car c'est ici que la partie amusante commence pour vous!!
Je ne suis pas revenue les mains vides et j'ai quelques cadeau de la mort qui tue pour vous!!
Inclus des réa originales de Nathalie, Finnabair et Dina et du matos en provenance directe du CHA! Je posterai un message sur mon séjour à NY ce dimanche. Si vous laissez un commentaire sur chaque récit de voyage, j'entrerai votre nom deux fois pour le tirage au sort. Un commentaire = une chance de gagner. C'est aussi simple que ça. Prêt? Commentez! Et n'oubliez pas de revenir dimanche pour mon récit sur NY!

125 commentaires:

  1. That looks like it was a blast, France. Wish you could've made it to Austin!

  2. France, thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. I've enjoyed seeing all the fun you had on facebook. Sounds like a great time, I'm looking forward to hearing more. Let me know when things settle down for you, maybe we can fit in our skype session? Shari (cricutrookie)

  3. Here I am. All primed and ready to win. I followed you through your whole journey and back home again. I had fun too. :)

  4. Oh, Je suis....
    Not fluent anymore. Really wish I were, cannot express my jealousy so well in English?!
    Wow, what an amazing journey on so many levels! You must be buzzing with excitement (or will be when jetlag allows)...
    You know though, you are a talent in your own right! Trust me, I only follow top talent, lol.
    Can't wait to see what creations are next from you! Will be back to read more in both languages! Tfs so far.... C :))

  5. So jealous! All my heroines and you! I hope one day, better be soon, Im1 60 , I will be able to amle around and see all your generations greatness. In the 70s in Berkeley, I remember having a hand drawn book of *womans* liberated organic art or something. I did every single thing in the book. I learned to macrame, tie dye, etc. Now you all have the world at your finger tips. I am not sure if this is good or bad but I know I can't keep up and I am young for 60!
    Glad you had fun France, please do not forget us slow learners and beginners!

  6. Love reading about your adventures! It all looks like to much fun, especially meeting so many talented artists. Can't wait for the giveaways!

  7. Glad you enjoyed yourself and that your trip was filled with lasting memories!! Cant wait to see what you will create next!!

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences! I love learning from you. Can't wait for the next post!!!

  9. I have enjoyed following you on your CHA and NY travels and look forward to seeing what wonderful creations the experience will inspire. Thanks for the update . . . I now have a few more blogs to go and check out :)

  10. Thank you for all the wonderful things you posted on your CHA adventure. It was so nice to live it through your eyes for those of us who couldn't be there. It must be so surreal to be there in person, trying to see and do so many things in such a short amount of time.

  11. Everyone you took your photo with are people that I follow on line - yes, I am an art stalker! I am so jealous of all of you that went to CHA to see all the new goodness first hand and now can't wait to get my hands on some of it!

  12. What a round up of creative people. Must have been a fantastic trip. Glad you had fun! Can't wait to see you using new products

  13. I so enjoy you & your art!! Thank you for telling us about the fun you had!! I always look forward to more!! Have fun!!

  14. Well! Imagine my surprise when you wrote about Karen Ellis of Ontario, Canada. I had to check it out because I live in Ontario! Now, Ontario isn't small - you could drive for 24 hours and still be in Ontario - so I thought the chance of the Art House Studio being close was pretty small. Wrong! 30 minutes away! Thanks for your recap, and the introduction to Karen Ellis!

    1. Hi there!!! :) How wonderful! I hope i get a chance to meet you too, barbandemily ;)

  15. I am enjoying all your art and videos! I am a frightened, shivering newbie but no more! Thanks!

  16. You took a trip to Craft Nirvana, shared as much as you could with us during that time, met all the present Greats & came back with magical ArT to share.

    Who could ask for more. Thanks for thinking of your Followers! So glad you were enriched as i know we will benefit from that here on your Blog.

    I am also doing the DLP project via Robin-Marie's Blog prompts, her work is awesome. Looking forward to following your Journey too:-) xxx

  17. What an amazing collection of talent! You look like you had a wonderful time. :)

  18. What an amazing time CHA must have been. Can't wait to read all your re-caps and see what you've been up to - lucky you!!!

  19. I only wish I could have been there to see you in person! What a group of rock stars…I really have to go to one of these. You look so happy in the pictures :) It makes me smile wide.

  20. That is a trip I would love to make one day....until then I will continue to live vicariously through posts like this one. Thanks!

  21. France... so amazing to read about CHA and start to hear it from an insiders point of view. Glad you had a good time,

  22. comme je t'envie d'avoir fait ce voyage <3 un jour peut être. Tu y allais à titre individuel ou pour représenter une de tes DT ? en tous cas merci de nous faire partager ton séjour <3

    1. Ana, je suis membre du CHA en tant que Designer à titre personnel :)

  23. J'aime les étoiles qui remplissent tes yeux sur ces photos !!!!
    Et comme l'impression que tu es revenue avec une tonne de projets créatifs de ce voyage aux States ;-)

  24. Hee France, ik was mijn normale kleur toen ik begon met lezen, maar langzamerhand werd ik steeds groener haha! Wat lijkt me dat heerlijk om naar de CHA te gaan. Jammer genoeg zit dat er voor mij niet in als leerkracht. Ik kan nooit vrij zijn tijdens de periodes dat de CHA wordt gehouden. Misschien als ik met pensioen ben haha! Leuk om al die foto's te zien! Liefs Frea

  25. You packed a lot into your few days at CHA - it sounds such fun, I wish I could go. There are so many new products that I'd love to try, I will be quite quite poor when I finish buying things!! Looking forward to your giveaways - thank you!

  26. Merci beaucoup pour ce compte rendu. J'ai vu quelques videos tournées au cours du CHA, notamment avec Dyan. Je t'envie!!

  27. Lieve France fijn dat je het zo leuk hebt gehad en ik kon zien dat je genoten had. Het lijkt me geweldig om naar de CHA te gaan. Ook fijn voor ons fans dat je weer veilig thuis bent, liefs Helles.

  28. Jaloers makend al die stralende foto's van je, geweldig France een stukje hemel op aarde waar je terecht kwam, heerlijk om te zien!

  29. quelle chance extraordinaire ! moi je stresse juste pour prendre le TGV ;-) on attend la suite ....

  30. pfffft quel trip ! J'ai bien hâte de voir tout ce que tu vas créer dans les semaines à venir !

  31. wow what a journey!! glad you had a fantastic time, I am so jealous that you got to see all those new goodies and watch all the demos!! Roll on sunday xx

  32. I'm mostly jealous about you meeting all those lovely people! Of course the art and products is great too, but isn't it all about the lovely friendships you get through all of this?

  33. I must say I'm a little jealous! Seems like you had a brilliant time :)

  34. The fun you had radiates from your smile France. Looking forward to part 2. Welcome back X

  35. I've been following your pics on instagram and I have seen how much fun you have had. thanks for doing this recap for us. Are you going to make a blog post about products you liked in particular and impressions on trends? It would be great… just saying of course ;-)

  36. It was great seeing the updates from you and Marjie. Looks like you had a blast!


  38. Oh France you really had fun, you could meet so many talented people, can't wait till sunday to read your recap about NY and Marjie...

  39. I love seeing all these CHA recaps! What fun to get to see all the new things and to meet such inspirational people! Thanks for sharing with us!

  40. You lucky lady... California & CHA!
    ...& all the talented people!!
    What a wonderful trip... Thanks for sharing!

  41. Quelle fête ce doit être de voir toutes ces nouveautés et de rencontrer toutes ces stars du mixed media !

  42. What fun to see pictures of all the girls (and one boy!). Looking forward to new inspirations based on all the wonderful new products coming out after CHA.
    Greetings from Sally in France

  43. So happy for you France! glad you had a great time- hope to meet you myself- who knows, maybe next year!

  44. I think you got a photo with all the best designers...I wish I could call Finn my friend. I am in love with her style and work. I want to do one of her classes one is on my bucket list.

  45. So great to meet you for real France! I miss you and the palm trees already!


    Ps I can't wait to see your creative magic on the ATB's!
    PPS The folks at the airport broke my trolley for GOOD...snapped the wheels clear off during transit...looks like I will not be riding escalators (illegally) with it ever again :)

  46. So great to see you together with the rest of the "stars" :) I am also looking forward to all new weeks with JournalOnMonday coming up!

  47. Wow! What a trip! Thanks for sharing photos of all these art-rock stars. Including you. I'm so glad you had a good time, and that you've arrived safely back home. Can't wait to see what you've learned and discovered. You are so kind to share with your followers! Thanks!

  48. Thanks for the post with all the many of the people I know or at least have met. Glad you're safely home.

  49. Looks like you met some really cool people and had a wonderful time, that's so awesome!!! Thanks for the wonderful re-cap

  50. Un super reportage photo avec les grands noms du scrap patouille! Quel chance! On te voit heureuse comme jamais sur ces photos, et c'est super car tu le mérites amplement.
    Gros bisous

  51. I can't believe you didn't eat it all the minute you opened that tiny bag. I need to send you some more! It was so awesome to meet you! I have a new friend!!!

  52. I caught up with Marjie's CHA Round Up yesterday, then enjoyed yours with coffee this morning! So many familiar faces, some I have been lucky enough to meet in real life, others just from this crafty internet world! Glad you were able to connect with so many people there, France! Also glad you are again safely home. I imagine that not only your family, but your beautiful mares missed you!! Mwah! KayW

  53. So glad you are back to create wonderful things for us to see and learn.

  54. Great to see all the faces to go with the names I've read about. Thank you.

  55. How wonderful to have made that trip and to be able to spend time with each one of those talented artists! I know you had an extraordinary time because you were radiant in every single photo! :-) I cannot wait to hear more!


  56. What fun! CHA sounds like it would be exhausting. Exhilarating, but exhausting. I'm sure all of these ultra-talented artists were just as excited to meet you, France. Welcome Home!

  57. Ik had al in de gaten dat je je enorm geamuseerd hebt, ik durf wedden dat je overloopt van inspiratie
    marie-anne raeman

  58. Looks like you had a fabolous time at CHA!! Whish I was there!!

  59. What a fun time you had... so many amazing people to meet - and wonderful smiles all the way through. Hope I can go one day! Thanks so much for the chance to share in some CHA goodies!
    Alison x

  60. Merci de nous faire partager ton voyage c'est trop génial!! on s'y croit!

  61. Looks like you had an amazing time in CA! Thanks for the chance to get some goodies - I can't wait tip they appear in the stores! So many fantastic products coming.

  62. So pleased you had a wonderful time with wonderful arty people. I could see you were enjoying yourself immensely !! Hope to go there sometime as well ! Thanks for letting us ave a look as eel !
    Corrie x

  63. Yay, I love reading CHA recaps! It's wonderful to see faces I recognise from blogs & connections being made between such amazing people. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time, can't wait for the next instalment.

  64. Quelle chance !!! Hâte de voir tout ce que tu vas faire avec tes nouveaux produits... et merci de nous faire partager... Bon, je doute que ça arrive jusqu'en France, mais sait-on jamais !!!

  65. Wowzer - it looks like an amazing trip and how fabulous to meet so many amazing people! so sweet of you to share the love! xx

  66. I am so happy you had such a wonderful trip! You met all the best of the best people in the business. I love looking at your photos.

  67. Merci pour le partage. Je t'envie de pouvoir faire ce voyage: ce doit vraiment être enrichissant.
    Bonne fin de semaine

  68. That really looks like a great time. And so sweet of you to share the fun with this giveaway. I'm in :-D xoxo

  69. Salut! I've been missing your posts - thanks for the recap. Looks like you've had lots of fun :)

  70. Merci de nous faire rencontrer tant de talents via le web... Ça devrait vraiment être top !

  71. Such a fabulous place to go too, looks like tiring but great fun! Thanks for sharing your time there x

  72. Sounds like you had a fabulous time - so wish I had been there but then I guess I would now be bankrupt. Though I will be any way as there is so much new stuff I need!

  73. Tu as l'air d'avoir vécu des moments inoubliables. Merci de nous les faire partager.
    Bises et vivement demain pour la suite.

  74. What a wonderful trip you had! I have had fun just through your post! I follow a lot of the people you were much talent! Looking forward to your Sunday post. So glad you were able to make this wonderful trip to the states.

  75. I am green with jealously. What an amazing adventure you had at CHA and all the insanely talented people you got to meet. Wish I go at some point...anybody need a helper? lol! Love reading the CHA updates and seeing all the new products. Thanks for a chance to win some goodies.

  76. What a fabulous trip. And Dylusions grey is top of my CHA wish list :)

  77. What a fantastic trip. Looking forward to hearing about all the new products!

  78. This trip and all its memories will stay with you forever! So enjoyed reading all about it.

  79. CHA looks wonderful, thanks for sharing!

  80. I am so jealous of all the fun you had!! I am so new to all of this and I think I would have spent a FORTUNE getting all the new stuff! Thank you for sharing your amazing trip with us! You are amazing!

  81. Je suis trop jalouse ! Mais très contente pour toi France, j'espère pouvoir aller au CHA très bientôt à mon tour. Prends soin de toi

  82. Je suis trop jalouse ! Mais très contente pour toi France, j'espère pouvoir aller au CHA très bientôt à mon tour. Prends soin de toi

  83. How wonderful to meet and see all those wonderful people lucky you.. But if anyone deserves it I think its you so glad that you got to go..
    Sandy :)

  84. Next time I'm sneezing in your suitcase!! Looked a fabulous adventure xx

  85. What a great trip you had, it all looks so exciting!

  86. Quel beau voyage tu as fait là, quelle chance! bon les séminaires d'entreprises et les réunions de section ça ne semble pas très marrant mais que de belles rencontres, on t'envie toutes je pense!

  87. Ooh! So many people I would love to meet! I'm so happy you had such a fabulous time France!
    Alison x

  88. Your post demonstrates that crafting is a real international community. thanks for sharing.

  89. Oh my wish I could of been there so many familiar faces. Look like you had a uber fun time.

  90. I had to wait and come back because half the pictures wouldn't load the first time, but today they are--tada! Was worth waiting for all those smiling faces!! :)

  91. Waouh, quel rêve !!! le CHA, de magnifiques rencontres et cette lueur dans ton regard !!! Je suis ravie de te voir et te lire si heureuse !!!

  92. some wonderful,photos and many amazing memories to treasure as well as a lot of ideas I am sure! sorry for the lack of comments life has been a bit hectic so playing catch up! hugs trace x

  93. It looks such an amazing experience and you must have come home buzzing with inspiration. I really enjoyed reading all about it and it's so lovely to have a chance to win a little bit of the magic too.
    Jo x

  94. How exciting to share your journey! Thank you for bringing it to us to enjoy too!

  95. What an amazing journey you have been on! I'm so glad you shared it with all of us.

  96. I am so jealous! You look like you had an absolute ball! I'm drooling just looking at the photos. SO exciting and inspiring to be around so much creativity and good energy.

  97. I followed your journey and loved that you had such a fantastic time, I can't wait to see how your experiences evolve in your art... x

  98. What a wonderful time you must have had, France! Which was more fun - seeing all the new products or meeting up with old and new friends?

  99. Maybe one day someone will stuff me in their suitcase and I will be able to attend CHA. Wow, what an exciting time. I just love all the goodies that come out right after CHA. I am ready. Thanks.

  100. So glad you had so much fun, can't wait to see what you will do with all your new fun goodies.

  101. looks like you had so much fun! One of these days I hope to make it to CHA! Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!

  102. Wow, you sure fit a lot in while at CHA!

  103. Wow, you sure fit a lot in while at CHA!

  104. So nice to read that you meet all those creative persons. So far as i could read you did really had a great time at CHA. Going again next year?

  105. Sounds like you had a blast!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

  106. Wow what wonderful memories! Glad you had so much fun and you brought back goodies to share. Thank you so much.

  107. thank you for sharing your CHA experiences with us. It was really fun seeing all the wonderful memories you made. I hope I will be able to ago in the future.

  108. What an exciting adventure you had! Looks like you had a blast :)

  109. I would love to go to CHA one day! It's on my bucket list! Love all your videos!

  110. Waaa un jour quand je serais grande moi aussi j'irais au CHA ;)

  111. original art by Nathaly, Finnabair and Dina... this is the ultimate of giveaways! So glad you had a good time at CHA and after.

  112. I enjoyed reading about your cha adventure. Even though it is in my backyard I could not attend so reading your comments was like getting to. I especially in like what you said about Seth Apter as I am taking a 2 day workshop with him this weekend, can't wait. Thanks for sharing.

  113. Your CHA trip was definitely a great experience for you! I love all of the photos! This would be a dream come true, to meet and talk to all of these fabulous artists, including you!

  114. Jealous,jealous..Looks like so much fun. It must have been hard to limit yourself. Wonderful people, products, classes. Heaven. So glad you got to go and were generous enough to share you adventures.Love it. Susan R.

  115. Loved this blog post. Thanks for sharing and I discovered new talent

  116. Wow, so jealous you met all these wonderful and inspiring people at CHA ! Can't wait to see what you'll do with all the ideas and inspiration you got there! Go girl ;-)

  117. The conference looked like it was so much fun! I would have loved to have gone to that for sure. And my favorite picture in NY was the metal on the wall…I love rust too. Thank you for sharing everything and I cannot wait for Part 2 of the journal book. Anne

  118. CHA looked amazing. Can't wait to see you use any of the new products you discovered there. Glad you had fun x

  119. So jealous you got to travel to CHA but glad you had what seems to be an amazing time

  120. Looks like you had a wonderful time, meeting friends old and new.

  121. Thank you for the links to the other artists' sites. Love learning and getting ideas.

  122. What more can I say. Will never get the chance to go to CHA, but thanks to you I feel like I went with you.. As someone else said your happiness radiates from your smile. I gasped at all you saw and did, what fabulous places you went to. But I must say, its good to have you back again, two weeks is too long.


Merci pour vos petits mots qui sont pour moi de vrais encouragements! :)
Thanks for your kind words, they're a real encouragement to me! :)