
vendredi 8 août 2014

100th Journal on Monday: Prizes!

Hi sweet JoMers!
Wow, what a week! I'm so enjoying your enthusiasm in sharing and celebrating! And like all good parties, it will end with some gifts, that I'm so looking forward to send out to the lucky winners. Now you might ask me: what prizes???
Like I told you, the companies I work with, love you as much as I do! You might win...

Coucou les doux JoMeurs!
Wow, quelle semaine! Je savoure votre enthousiasme au partage et à la célébration! Et comme toute bonne fête, cela se terminera par quelques cadeaux, que je me réjouis d'envoyer aux gagnants. Mais quels sont ces cadeaux, me direz-vous???
Comme je vous l'ai déjà dit, les sociétés avec lesquelles je travaille vous aiment autant que moi! Vous pourriez gagner...

My Stampotique Village stamp or my Alphabet!

Mon tampon Stampotique Village ou mon Alphabet!

Or a 25 euro gift certificate from Mixed Media Place!

Ou un bon cadeau de 25 euro chez Mixed Media Place!

Or a couple of the brand new Pearl PanPastels!

Ou quelques PanPastel Pearl qui viennent de sortir!

 one free spot for the 21 Secrets Art Journaling workshop
 where I will teach my first online class ever!

une place gratuite pour le 21 Secrets Art Journaling workshop 
où je donnerai mon tout premier atelier en ligne!

Winners will be announced on Sunday August 10 at 10.30 am CET.
You still have until Saturday August 9th 8 pm CET to upload your step by step or video art journaling process on the 100th Journal on Monday blog post. See you there!

Les gagnants seront annoncés dimanche matin 10 août à 10h30.
Vous avez encore jusque samedi 9 août 20h pour charger votre pas à pas ou vidéo d'art journaling sur le message du 100ième Journal on Monday. Rendez-vous la-bas!

24 commentaires:

  1. What fabulous prizes!! This has been so much fun! Thanks for celebrating with us all :)

  2. wow, what amazing prizes! it's been so much fun being able to join in with you this week.

  3. Je geeft al zoveel van jezelf France!! Iedere week is het weer een feestje om je video te bekijken en er dingen van over te nemen. Te leren en te intergreren in mijn eigen werk. Dank daarvoor, ga door op naar de 200. Lieve groet Jolande

  4. I only discovered your blog a few days ago, but I have already learned so much from your videos. Thanks for sharing your process and your techniques!

  5. YAY! I love your work and seeing what new ideas you come up with.

  6. I am totally behind everywhere right now (c'est la vie, non?).
    Soz, stick to English!
    I managed to watch Marje's (sorry if misspelling) video, joining you in this amazing celebration. France, I can only apologise for being MIA.
    Of course I will endeavor to catch up but what's important is YOU are loving it & enjoying every minute.
    Massive & Deserved Congratulations!!! Think you know I'm a fan!😀

  7. Some great work has been uploaded and some great prizes on offer, loving all the inspiration. TY for your wonderful celebrations:-) xxx

  8. Awesome prizes! Your work is wonderful and have been an inspiration to me!

  9. Congratulations, France! I absolutely LOVE your work!

  10. This is amazing for you, and for us.mi was drooling over the prizes, and will be happy for whoever wins them...including me...teehee...I appreciate you sharing your talent!

  11. Congratulations on your 100th journal post! I enjoy watching your videos very much!

  12. supers prix! merci tout plein pour ta venue sur mon blog!

  13. What wonderful prizes and you are so wonderful for offering them! xo

  14. That is so generous of you! I would love to win a spot in the 21 Secrets, I have been drooling over the teachers in this session. I love your weekly demos and your work is amazing with so many layers. I am learning so much from the weekly videos. Thanks again for the opportunity!

  15. Cool prizes!! Thanks

  16. Super awesome. thank you for the chance!!

  17. This is great, thank you for sharing!

  18. Hi France,.... like all these competitions I never know how to enter,..... I think we have to share one of the pieces of art that we do... and show how we did it,... however,... I'm HOPELESS at this,.... I love watching all your videos,.... and look forward every week to seeing your new one..... I'm in Australia in a small country town and don't have access to most of the products you have (that is unless I want to spend a fortune on postage with internet shopping). We also don't have the Pan Pastels that I'm dying to try out, they look like so much fun. Congratulations again on your 100th Video.... like I mentioned on your YT video only 4 more to go and you would have done 2 years worth of filming! Much Love and Respect to you oxox

  19. Oh dear.. Love your blog. Love your work !! Respect all the work you put into sharing with us. And now all these great prizes. Unfortunately I cant upload any of my craft items since I never recorded any. Just wanted to say hi and congratulation !!
    Sending love and hugs Monica... Spain


Merci pour vos petits mots qui sont pour moi de vrais encouragements! :)
Thanks for your kind words, they're a real encouragement to me! :)