
vendredi 27 décembre 2013

I love New York!

Hi sweet all!
2014 will start with a bang: after the CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) in California, I will be staying with my sweet friend Marjie Kemper in New York! Saying i'm excited is an understatement: traveling to New York feels like going home to me. Doing it in company of such a friend is heaven!

I will be staying one hour north of NYC  and i am open to teaching in a store or private setting in the Tri-State area (NY/NJ/CT) the weekend of January 18th-19th. I understand sometimes in the US you have classes held in community spaces and maybe you feel like organizing a workshop? You can check out my workshop page to see my class offerings and/or mail me here for more information. I hope i will get to meet a lot of you!

Coucou les tout doux!
2014 démarrera en fanfare: après le CHA (Craft and Hobby Association) en Californie, je logerai chez mon amie Marjie Kemper à New York! Dire que je suis impatiente est un sous-entendu: aller à New York me semble un retour aux sources et le faire en compagnie d'une telle amie c'est le pur bonheur!

Je logerai à une heure de NYC et je suis ouverte à toute proposition d'atelier en boutique ou en privé dans la région des 3 états NY-NJ-CT le weekend du 18 - 19 janvier. Je sais qu'aux States, on organise des ateliers dans des espaces communautaires et peut-être avez-vous envie d'organiser un atelier? Voyez ma page d'ateliers pour voir mes propositions et/ou contactez-moi par mail pour plus d'information. J'espère vous y voir!

12 commentaires:

  1. Enjoy both, CHA and NY! And happy New Year too :-)

  2. wonderful ! This is amazing!
    Have fun and enjoy!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Wish I were closer than Florida. I'd love to come meet you and Marjie! Enjoy your time in the States and have a BALL at CHA!

  4. how cool would that be! i'm 3 hours from NYC!

  5. I will wave to you as you go over. I am midway between your destinations, so that will be the closest I get. Have a safe, fun, educational, artfilled trip!

  6. How exciting for you. I wish I was closer and could take one of your classes. Enjoy your stay and may you have a wonderful and artistic 2014.
    North Carolina

  7. Hope you have tons of fun ! Wish I could go but it is a little far ….
    Corrie x

  8. Trop d'la chance!!!! Profite à fond de ces instants de bohneur ici et là! et des merveilleuses rencontre que tu vas y faire!
    Gros bisous

  9. I know that you will love both coasts, France! Travel safely!

  10. Oh, I can only dream about CHA - what FUN !!! Have a great time in New York!

  11. Wat een heerlijke tijd ligt er voor je, ben niks jaloers hoor ;-) Geweldig dat je daar ook workshops gaat geven, wanneer kom je naar EDE??????????????

  12. Have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading all about it on your return - or whilst you are out there if you get time - which I doubt


Merci pour vos petits mots qui sont pour moi de vrais encouragements! :)
Thanks for your kind words, they're a real encouragement to me! :)