
mardi 19 novembre 2013

truth or dare?

Hi sweet all!
No journal on Monday... yet. It might be up later today, if my body allows it. But first this.
If you don't like to read about personal stuff, i wish you a good day and we'll see each other again for the next inky blog post. :)
For those who stay around, i thought it was about time for some honesty...

Pas encore de journal on Monday. Peut-être plus tard aujourd'hui si mon corps me le permet. Mais d'abord, ceci.
Si vous n'aimez pas les histoires perso, je vous souhaite une bonne journée et on se reverra pour le prochain message patouille sur ce blog. :)
Pour ceux qui continue à lire, je me suis dit qu'il serait temps d'être honnête... 

Almost 4 years ago, as i was standing next to my car to get in the driver seat, a young 20 year old man lost control over his car when heading my way. These things tend to happen when you drive 100km/h instead of 50, on a small village street. I was crushed between the front of his car and the side of my car.

I remember everything that happened, from falling to the ground after the crash to trying to breath again. I remember 15 minutes later, looking at my truck, seeing the bump my body had made in it, thinking 'where is Edward when you need him?' (Twilight fans will understand) and laugh outloud at the thaught. 

Before i could even sit in my hospital bed, i decided that keeping my head busy was the best thing i could do. I used to be a very active person, always going between the kids, my work, our horses, the house, ... Being suddenly forced to immobility was the hardest thing, much worse than the pain or the thinking about the futur.
I asked my hubby to bring all my scrapbooking stuff to the hospital and i started cutting and gluing. The nurses weren't that happy, as i more often than not lost brads in my bed and needed help to grab them.

What started as a therapy, ended as a full time occupation, that keeps nourishing me as much as i keep nourishing it. It is almost always enough to take my mind of things, being it the medical torture or the pain. Almost always. 
Some days, like yesterday, all i am able to do is lie down, surf the net, watch tv or worse... sleep. And when i complain about it, it's not because of the pain or the inability, it's because of the immobility, that drives me crazy. Another lesson yet to learn...

All your sweet supportive words on my facebook page made me realize it was time to be honest, to tell you this truth.
Over those last 4 years i had it all: good doctors, bad doctors, surgery, physiotherapy, heavy treatments, a disability status... But what i had the most is... a rebirth, with open eyes on life, on happiness, on human bonds. And i guess that is the reason i didn't want to talk about this all here before. This blog has been proof of that rebirth and having the accident mentioned here feels like a bad contamination. But without that accident, this blog wouldn't even exist. Simple as that.

Some of you already send me a lot of questions about this all: how do you cope, what do you have to cope with, what are the perspectives, how do you organize things to make it possible... So far, my answer has mostly consisted of silence. I don't have a magical plan, i just go with the flow. I know i still have a bumpy road ahead, including medical and legal stuff because of the accident. 
But I'm not alone, i know there are so many like me out there for whom art journaling is a real therapy, on top of being a conversation with ourself. It means a bigger deal than outsiders can imagine.

I am lucky enough to have this all, the inky fun, the well organized studio that makes inky fun possible, the supportive family. I am lukcy enough to be able to get out: to travel once in while, go places, meet people. 
I am lucky enough to feel surrounded by you all lovely peeps, who keep me company in my studio and... my artsy expression and therapy. Thank you... for being out there. 
Please know, you're not alone either...

Il y a presque 4 ans, alors que j'attendais pour monter dans ma voiture et prendre le volant, un jeune homme de 20 ans a perdu le contrôle de sa voiture lorsqu'il venait vers moi. Ce genre de chose a tendance à se produire, lorsqu'on roule à 100km/h au lieu de 50 dans une petite rue de village.
J'ai été écrasée entre la face avant de sa voiture et le flanc de la mienne.

Je me souviens de tout, d'être tombée après l'impact jusqu'à essayer de respirer à nouveau. Je me souviens 15 minutes après, avoir regardé ma voiture, avoir vu le coup fait par mon corps dans la carrosserie, avoir pensé 'mais où est Edouard quand on a besoin de lui' (les fans de Twilight comprendront) et avoir ris aux éclats.

Avant même de savoir m'asseoir dans mon lit d'hôpital, j'avais décidé qu'occuper ma tête serait la chose la plus importante à faire. J'étais quelqu'un de très active avant l'accident, toujours en train de courir entre les enfants, mon boulot, nos chevaux, notre maison,... Etre soudainement forcée à l'immobilité était la chose la plus dure, bien plus dure que la douleur ou la perspective du futur.
J'ai demandé à zhom de me rapporter tout mon matériel de scrap à l'hôpital et j'ai commencé à couper et à coller. Au grand damne des infirmières, car nombre de fois, je perdais mes parisiennes dans mon lit et j'avais besoin d'aide pour les ratrapper.

Ce qui commença comme une thérapie devint une occupation à temps plein, qui me nourrit et que je nourris également. La plupart du temps, cela suffit à me faire oublier, que ce soit la torture médicale ou la douleur. La plupart du temps...
Il y a des jours comme hier, où tout ce dont je suis capable est de rester dans le fauteuil et surfer, ou lire ou pire... dormir. Et lorsque je m'en plains, ce n'est pas à cause de la douleur ou de l'incapacité, c'est à cause de l'immobilité, qui me rend dingue. Encore une leçon à apprendre...

Tous vos mots d'encouragement sur ma page facebook hier, m'ont fait réaliser qu'il était temps de vous raconter cette histoire.
C'est 4 dernières années j'ai tout eu: les bons médecins, les mauvais, les interventions, la kiné, les traitements lourds, la reconnaissance de handicap... Mais ce que j'ai surtout eu, c'est une renaissance avec les yeux grands ouverts sur la vie, le bonheur, les liens. Et je suppose que c'est là la raison pour laquelle je ne voulais pas parler de cet accident ici. Ce blog a été la preuve de ma renaissance et mentionner l'accident ici serait comme une mauvaise contamination. Sauf que, sans cet accident, ce blog n'existerait pas. 

Certains d'entre-vous m'ont déjà envoyé beaucoup de questions à propos de tout ceci: comment tu gères, quelles sont les conséquences de l'accident, quelles sont tes perspectives, comment t'organises-tu pour rendre tout ceci possible... Jusque là mes réponses étaient inexistantes. Je n'ai pas de plan magique pour le futur, je ne fais que suivre le fleuve. Je sais qu'il y aura encore beaucoup de rapides et de cascades, faits de blabla médical et légal à cause de cet accident. Mais je ne suis pas seule, je sais qu'il y en a beaucoup comme moi pour qui l'art journaling est une vraie thérapie, en plus d'être une conversation avec soi-même. Cela représente bien plus que ce qu'une personne externe peut s'imaginer.

J'ai la chance d'avoir tout ceci, le bonheur patouille, l'atelier bien organisé, la famille qui rend cela possible. J'ai la chance de pouvoir sortir de chez moi: de voyager de temps à autre, de découvrir de nouveaux lieux, de rencontrer des gens. J'ai la chance de me sentir entourée par vous, qui me tenez compagnie dans mon atelier et dans... mon expression et ma thérapie patouille. Merci... d'être là.
Sachez que vous non plus, vous n'êtes pas seul...

ps: it's freaking scary to hit the publish button on this one!

ps: c'est flippant d'appuyer sur le bouton 'publier' pour ce message!

70 commentaires:

  1. Merci pour cette très belle confession ... j'en ai la chair de poule.
    Même si ce que tu as vécu et vit encore aujourd'hui est horrible et injuste tu as su le transformer en quelque chose de très beau et tu redonnes du courage et de l'espoir à tous ceux qui sont dans ton cas.
    Merci merci merci

  2. Hi france,

    Thank you so much for sharing your story.......its such a brave thing to do, I wish you healing thoughts and prayers, your story has already helped others, including me, don't ever are a star xxx much love
    kaz x

  3. Dear France, thank you for let us be part of your life. The only thing I can say is "chapeau" for managing your life and find a way to work with all this.
    I'm very happy to "meet" you!!! *give a hug*

  4. Art has also been my therapy, so I understand the healing found there.. I always enjoy, and feel inspired by watching you create, thanks. Take care.

  5. Bonjour France,

    Je suis ton blog depuis l'été, et tes créations m'inspirent énormément.
    J'ai vite compris que la source de cette créativité était douloureuse, car tu fais régulièrement des allusions à l'accident, à la douleur, au combat que tu mènes chaque jour, mais je n'osais pas poser de questions, me disant qu'au final nous lecteurs, n'avons rien à exiger, car le blog est avant tout un lieu d'expression de l'artiste qui le tient.
    Cependant ton récit d'aujourd'hui me touche beaucoup et est je pense très pertinent pour nous aider à mieux comprendre la source de ta créativité et le "carburant" de ton talent, et pour ça, je dois te remercier d'avoir partagé. Ça n'a pas du être évident, merci beaucoup.


  6. France,

    Thank you for sharing your story. I too get a great deal of help through my art. You are so good at what you do and I have learned so much from watching your videos.

  7. Dear France.

    Thank you for sharing your story, and for all the incredible inspiration you give. Not just with your inky stuff, but just as much with this post and the way you show me that anything is possible when the will is strong enough.

    When I met you at Scraptastic you really opened my eyes about some things; about sharing work on the internet, about willpower and about inner strength, and I am so grateful for that.

    I have fallen in love with your Monday journals, because you have such a pleasant way of communicating through your videos.

    I'm so happy I had the chance to meet you and I wish you the best of luck with your artistic life as well as your body's way back to as normal life as can be.

    Sincerely, Cecilia

  8. Jeee France, wat een verhaal, en wat een dapper mens ben je!!! Ik wens je het allerbetse en please blijf creatief want ik geniet enorm van je prachtige werk, zelfs al eens gelift zonder je te vermelden per ongeluk, weet je nog , het paracetamol doosje..oeps.
    Heel veel geluk en pas op jezelf!! Lieve groet Anneke van Groen.

  9. Thank you for sharing your story France. The last years that i was following your blog i did read between the lines that you did have an accident a few years ago. Good to know this story, and still love all your creations. Beautiful.

  10. Hi France, after following you for a while now I had figured out something happened to you but didn't know what… thanks for sharing your story with us.
    Very sad how life changed for you in a second but at least you are coming out of it with optimism and you have been able to find positive things like this blog and the sharing of your amazing talent online and sometimes thru live workshops.
    Sending lots of hugs,

  11. Je suis une fidèle de ton blog, et te remercie pour ta confiance et ta franchise. Et pour tout le reste, évidemment.

  12. It is good to share when you are ready, glad today is your time...

    I too realised there were some
    health issues with your good self but not the extent of your injuries.

    Thank you for sharing your story, your courage & for having the good
    sense to hit the publish button!!!

    There is a lot of inspiration in your story which shines through your journals of which i look forward to every week.

    I too use craft as my therapy:-) xxx

  13. Truth or dare ? You dared to tell us the truth ;-) Just amazing you...

  14. Thanks for sharing France. That took real courage. Know that you have an ever growing fan base that supports you 100%. Hugs.

  15. You dared to be truthful ... what an amazing and beautiful thing to do for your "peeps". I have been watching your Monday Journals for a few months now and although I am not an avid art journaller, I love to watch you work and have incorporated a thing or two into my Scrapbooking. Thank you again for sharing so often and so honestly today!

  16. Je suis admirative de ton courage et de ta détermination en même temps je suis d'accord avec toi le scrap et la création la patouille rien de tel pour être absorbée par une chose qui te fais t' évader et surtout occuper a tous prix ton esprit pour surmonter de telles épreuves.C 'est vraiment une thérapie qui aide j en sais quelque choses pas pour les mêmes raisons que toi mais ça m 'a vraiment aidée de créer . Alors je te souhaite tout plein de bonheur a toi et ta famille et continue de nous faire rever tres amicalement Joêlle

  17. Art is indeed a wonderful thing, & you bring us such inspiration with your creativity!
    I wish you healing & happiness France.
    Alison xxx

  18. My heart aches reading your story but I can say I know and understand how you feel. Five years ago this week I was walking across the room suddenly papralyzed, hit the floor and laid screaming for help for 7 hours. Long story and a long hospital stay, sent home still paralyzed as insurance would not pay for rehab and told "teach yourself how to walk". Like you I was very active, worked, help raised 4 grandchildren, hours in my studio creating, walked 10 miles a day, etc. I often think these situation kill you mentally or make you a different person. Sadly mine stripped away the person that I was and and though I can now walked with aid the "old" me has yet to return. I can't find my way back to her. You are a strong person and how you attacked what happened to you, is proof of it. You took control of what happened to you instead of it owning you. Though I was left with many medical issue dues to this and am now disabled, life goes on and you have to chose what road to follow. You chose the most amazing road as you chose to live it to it's fullest. Thanks for sharing your story.

  19. I know pretty well what you mean with "bad contamination" by telling about things one would rather leave behind forever.... but these things have become part of us, haven't they? Simply because they have been with us for quite some time now...having influence (not only bad influence - but you have to WANT to see that too ;).
    Embracing our "contaminations" to me seems the better solution than trying to let go (or to forget). Your blog and your creative journey are the best proof there can be!

    Sharing this with others is a brave deed indeed and I understand why you didn't hit the "publish" button that easily. But - like for me - sharing also means trying to embrace what "is" instead of fighting it or letting it turn you down. Dealing with pain and immobility - I think you are doing an awesome job letting your mind and creativity do the running, skipping and dancing. You really should be very proud of you!

    Take care!

    Claudia x

  20. Now you are free to be completely open and not "guarded" with what you post. I admire your talents and the sharing you provide but now I also admire your courage and resourcefulness. You are the kind of person that we all need as friends - even if it is virtual and mostly a one way conversation - I drink my morning cup of coffee with you and learn from your instructions. I wish for you strength and comfort returned to you from what you give away so freely. Warm hugs from the other side of the world.

  21. France - thank you so much for sharing your story, and for the happiness you bring to others. Kathy <3

  22. Dank voor het delen, France! Het was me al duidelijke dat je een zeer sterke persoonlijkheid was...

  23. I had wondered when you occasionally mentioned an accident. How terrifying and how very brave of you to put this 'out there'. I, and many others out here in cyberland I'm sure, am so grateful that you have plunged headlong into your art. Thank you for inviting us in, France, and allowing us to join you on your road to healing.

  24. I'm giving you a big virtual {HUG}.

  25. Thank you for being so brave and sharing your personal story. It explains a little of why your art is so inspiring. I wish you continued healing, strength and happiness.

  26. Dear France, I have only been following you for about a year but I feel I know you as a very kind, inspirational person. After reading your blogpost my admiration for you has only got bigger. I admire the way you live your life after such a devastating accident. I can only hope that you will get better and that your art helps you through the bad days. Thank you for sharing your story !
    Lots of hugs, Corrie x

  27. Thank you for sharing you story, what an awful thing to have happen to you. I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason, as horrible as this accident was it has brought your creativity out. I watch your Monday videos religiously and I amazed at how easy you make things look. Working in my art journals is better than the meds I take for living with bi-polar. I pray that you are not in pain and continue to heal.

  28. May you continue to do that which makes you happy France. Congratulations on the Design Team place. I look forward to more of your inspiration. Hugs Helen

  29. Bonjour France, j'imaginais bien que tu avais dû vivre quelque chose d'extrêmement difficile. Je comprends mieux maintenant. J'espère que quelques issues positives sont à venir... J'admire ta régularité dans tes partages malgré les aléas des souffrances physiques et morales et c'est toujours avec un vrai plaisir que je regarde ton travail. Quelques mots juste pou,r bien que modestement, t'accompagner et te souhaiter beaucoup de douceur dans ton quotidien. Bisous du coeur.

  30. Goodness me, France, I have been reading your blog for ages and had no idea. Your talent is an inspiration to us all. I wish you peace and a full recovery and send you much love for your generosity of spirit.

  31. Bonjour France, quelle belle confession sur ce que tu as vécu. Je sais à quel point cela a du être difficile de l'écrire...Aujourd'hui, tu nous fais rêver avec tes créations et tes partages via ce blog! Tu es une belle personne et tu mérites le meilleur alors moi je te serai tjrs fidèle et je souhaite longue vie à ton blog et à tes aventures scrappesques! Bises

  32. I just found your blog via a you tube that was posted on pinterest! How brave you are to share with everyone the intimate details of your life. I loved watching your video and am in awe of your thought process. I look forward to learning more from you. (((HUGS))))

  33. Thank you for sharing this with us. You are an inspiration for others in similar situations and even for people like me who might suffer from much milder problems. It brings things in perspective for me. Your work is wonderful! And has always inspired me. But today, with this sharing that I know was hard for you to do, I am inspired even more.

  34. Congrats on your rebirth process and inspiration. Much love and kindness to you and again congrats on your honesty and compassion. Beautiful things emerge out of the filter. I am a true supporter of yours and am happy to call you a friend. xx Sarinda

  35. After a major life change, I found your Monday journals and have enjoyed them over coffee for a few months now. While your tragedy and pain have empowered you and opened up new doors, as tragic events always do, it has also given so many others strength and renewed hope in their own lives. Thus, everything we do does indeed touch the lives of others in one way or another. I am slowly gaining the courage to free myself from the mundane to embrace what my soul has been craving: color and creativity. So...thanks for sharing. Thanks for your fun and laid back videos. I also enjoy your Stampotique challenges (although those weird looking characters freak me out!). But most of all, I love the visual feast for the eyes and inspirational words on so many of your art journal pages. Perhaps one day...

  36. Thank you, France, for sharing--and for not being the kind of person to overshare and say "oh, woe is me" constantly. Thank you also for making me realize that those of us with no other "disability" than encroaching old age really have no excuses.

    I'm really looking forward to our skype session!

    Hugs from Texas.

  37. Fijn dat je dit hier geschreven hebt! Eerst was het iets waarvan ik wist dat het er was en je draaide er ook niet omheen dat je een verkeersongeluk had meegemaakt met verstrekkende gevolgen, maar dit maakt een klein beetje duidelijk waar jij tegenaan loopt en dat dit absoluut niet afgesloten is. Niet wat betreft de nare dingen waar nog doorheen of mee omgegaan moet worden door jou, maar ook door het mooie dat je bent gaan maken... Ik zie hier maar een klein stukje, maar dit is een stukje van jou reis waar ik ongelooflijk veel van kan genieten! Dus dank je en ik wens je telkens weer voldoende moed en energie om verder te gaan met alles waar je tegen aan loopt! Dit maakt nog meer dat ik nieuwsgierig naar jou ben en je hoop op het Art Specially Event in 2014 te zien! Liefs, Gerrina

  38. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. You never know who might be the one that really needed to hear how you can go forward even in the face of terrible adversity. I'm so sorry you are in pain and feel limitations. Sending gentle hugs your way, thanks for sharing your fantastic talent with all of us worldwide. They say when one door closes another opens, this must be the opened door and it brought you to us.

  39. I had no idea that you had gone through all this and continue to live with pain.

    I admire your strength and resiliency. I'm so glad that you have your art to help you through the rough patches and that you share your art with us!

  40. Bedankt om dit te delen en ik wens je nog veel succes enen riem onder het hart voor al hetgeen nog moet komen...
    Gelukkig kan je je nog creatief uiten en maak je heel mooie dingen waar wij allemaal kunnen van genieten.
    Ik wens je nog veel moed en creatieve buien.

  41. Dear France,
    You should be proud of your story and what you have done with your life. I too had an accident, I told you and I cannot drive, travel or sit for more than an hour or so. I wish I had found YouTube a lot sooner but I was not as inventive as you!Or maybe a lot angrier.
    Anyway your art has brought so much to the world and its so frustrating to have days in bed, I have had way too many, you should be so proud of yourself.
    Not many people can change lives and to be one who can and doess, is truly a gift.
    I am glad you embrace and share it.
    There is the great law of change. This is a concept that keeps me from utter despair when the pain in overwhelming. (My back is screwed into my sacrum). I remember that all things In the universe change. There is no stagnation. This helps me remember the bad days do pass!
    Thank you for your honesty and sharing your gift! Xo Susan

  42. Dear France,
    You should be proud of your story and what you have done with your life. I too had an accident, I told you and I cannot drive, travel or sit for more than an hour or so. I wish I had found YouTube a lot sooner but I was not as inventive as you!Or maybe a lot angrier.
    Anyway your art has brought so much to the world and its so frustrating to have days in bed, I have had way too many, you should be so proud of yourself.
    Not many people can change lives and to be one who can and doess, is truly a gift.
    I am glad you embrace and share it.
    There is the great law of change. This is a concept that keeps me from utter despair when the pain in overwhelming. (My back is screwed into my sacrum). I remember that all things In the universe change. There is no stagnation. This helps me remember the bad days do pass!
    Thank you for your honesty and sharing your gift! Xo Susan

  43. I'm so glad you thought to ask hubby to bring all those supplies to the hospital... as we all have the pleasure of knowing you as a result. Terribly sorry you were there in the first place, of course. Hugs to you, my friend.

  44. Hi France
    You are brave and amazing.
    Thank you for sharing, sending you hugs and well wishes.
    <3 Aileen

  45. Hi France
    I knew you had been in an accident but had no idea how bad it was. How brave of you to put your story out there, I am one of many who enjoys your blog and looks forward to you Monday journal page. I met you a few years ago in the UK at the Tim Holtz classes with Lin and Leandra, we were sat at the same table for Tim's class. What a long time ago that must seem...I am so glad you have had the strength to go on with your art..I am sure it helps you a lot along with a loving family and friends, and of course your children..they are what makes it all worth while aren't they x take care and be happy xx

  46. Just reading this today (Tuesday), France. I have known you as a DT member of the Stampotique family only since February of this year. In passing, you once mentioned "the accident," but I had no details of what happened. I am glad that you shared "the rest of the story" with us here. Your bravery is so inspiring to me. In the face of the worst, you are determined to make the best. I am happy that you can find love, laughter and strength both within yourself and in those around you...including your cyber family here! Mwah!

  47. It may have been scary to hit publish, but thank you for being brave enough to do so - I knew that you'd suffered an accident, but not the extent or full details - make sure when your body tells you to rest, you do - you have come so far and your blog and your art is fabulous. Hope to meet you in person one day, to thank you for your journal Monday videos which are a highlight of my week - who knows where, who knows when!! Sending you hugs and hope you feel better today!

  48. Thank you dear France. You are an inspiration and a testimony. I'm so glad I found your youtube channel and Thank God for you. Rest, eat well and continue to live each day to the fullest. Thank you for all you do and share with us. hugs from the US -

  49. Hallo France, als ik alle reacties hierboven zie, weet ik haast niet wat ik hier nog aan moet toevoegen. Je verhaal maakt dat ik opnieuw realiseer hoeveel creativiteit kan bijdragen tot een enorme voldoening in je leven. Ik denk dat al deze reacties aan jou wel duidelijk maken hoeveel mensen met je meeleven, en hoeveel inspiratie en plezier jij anderen biedt met jou creativiteit. In het Engels zeggen ze: 'What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.' Als er iemand is die deze uitspraak bevestigt, dan ben jij dat wel! Respect France, en ik hoop voor de toekomst dat er heel veel verbetering komt in je lichamelijke conditie. Ook ik ben van plan om naar het Art Specially Event te gaan, en ik hoop je daar te ontmoeten (als ik me een weg kan banen door al je fans haha). Lieve groetjes, Frea

  50. Bonjour France et un grand merci à toi pour tout ce que tu nous confie, il t'as fallu sûrement un énorme courage pour faire ces aveux au publique qui suit ton blog mais aussi, surtout , le courage de faire une suite tout plein d'art qui t'inspire et t'aide à avancer avec ta vie. Courage pour tout ce qui viendra et qui inspirera sûrement d'autres qui souffrent aussi de conditions pénibles.

    Amicalement Sally

  51. Hi France, I have followed you via youtube and your blog and am amazed at your creativity.... long may you continue, brave lady and thank you for telling your story.

  52. You are very brave France! And I truly admire your spirit and your creativity. I think so many of us have life changing devastating experiences. I know I have. And art serves very much as therapy. I also call on my faith in God. I trust that He will bring me through the toughest times. There is so much in life that we cannot understand. We share in the painful processes of life and somehow find little joys along the way. They help us to go on and to keep hoping for tomorrow. Be encouraged and continue to use your art to brighten and inspire the lives of others. May God bless you and show Himself real to you. Much love and prayers, Raziya <3

  53. A BIG hug to you, France. Thank you for your courage at posting this. You made the choice not to let this accident define you or limit you. Both you and your art are inspiring!

  54. Thank you for telling your story, I wish you all the best in your recovery. I enjoy watching you do your art work, you do it so calmly and it always looks beautiful. I especially love listening to your voice.
    Best wishes

  55. Bonjour m'dame Papillon!...Ton accident tu me l'avais raconté il y a longtemps déjà (et oui, ça me donne l'impression de te connaître depuis lOOOOOngtemps!!! on est vieilles ma pôv dame!!), et moi qui ai beaucoup de problèmes de dos et qui suit en suspicion de polyarthrite rhumatisante, au repos depuis quelques semaines à nouveau, je pense souvent à toi!!! Quand le matin je n'arrive pas à sortir de mon lit, ou quand je me dirige vers mon tortionnaire (kiné!), je pense à toi et me dis que Toi tu es vraiment courageuse!! Que tu te bats contre les douleurs sans arrêt, et du coup, ça me donne du courage et la niaque pour arriver chez mon kiné!! Sans blague, pas un jour passe, sans que je n'ai pensé à toi et tes douleurs, et je me donne du courage pour surmonter les miennes (douleurs) comme ça!...
    Je te fais de gros bisous m'dame Papillon!!

  56. Hello France, sending much love your way. I hope today has been a better day for you.

  57. sending you huge hugs France...I am so happy to know you and your gifts you share with all of are surely a shiny star to me and so many others.. God Bless-...

  58. Hi France, I left a comment yesterday, called back today but it's disappeared, I thought it would :( not sure what happened!!:( You are an inspiration to so many people and we are all so very lucky to have you in our lives. Thank you for sharing your life story, it will offer inspiration to many, me included while I am off my feet. I wish you more GOOD DAYS than bad.xxxxxx I thank you once again, knowing there would be a parcel waiting for me when I came out of hospital just kept me going! I feel honoured to call you my friend and work along side you at Stampotique. It is wonderful seeing you stretch your wings and wish you every success along your creative journey. Stay safe my little papillon xxxxx

  59. France, You really are an amazing woman, I can't imagine doing all that you do and being in pain. I am so happy that art is your therapy and I'm praying that you have more good days than bad. I too love your journal on Monday and love hearing your calm and soothing voice. Don't worry about our Skype session until your feeling much better. Take care, Shari

  60. Hi France, how brave of you to tell your story, you are truly an inspiration. I wish you many more good days than bad xx

  61. Love that you shared what you did! I live with chronic pain everyday from a host of ailments and it's changed my life drastically! But like you I have found art and the simplicity in little things! Some days I don't do much but that's alright! I have learned that I need to listen to my body! I don't share too much about my illness because people just don't understand unless they have been through something similar!

  62. France,
    You are truly AMAZING to have shared the truth upfront here. I had heard you mention an 'accident' but had no idea what an impact it had had on your life and family. You are a wonderful, courageous and soul, so generously sharing your wealth of talent and inspirational creativity with us all. THANK YOU for being you.
    Warmest best wishes,

  63. bonjour!
    Thanks for sharing your story. I imagine that when you go something so life-changing that you could dwell on the negative side but your positiveness shines through. I love your work, and love the opportunity to 'drool' over it on your blog!! ;)

  64. HUGS to you France! Thank you for sharing your story with us. I know when I don't see a post or a video from you, that you must be having a rough spell, and I send a little thought and prayer for you. I love that you have turned been able to take such a negative thing in your life to something positive and inspiring.
    Wishing you many more good days than bad!

  65. Dearest France,
    Thank you for your bravery and your honesty! I applaud your courage, and your inspiration.

    19 years ago I had surgery that went tragically wrong.
    I lost so much of my life, and live in constant, debilitating pain.

    Discovering videos on YouTube, taking on-line Art courses, and meeting like-minded people through blogs & Facebook saved me!

    I recently discovered your work, and I love everything that you create. I subscribed and get so excited when there is a new video to watch.

    Thank you again for inspiring SO many people to "create". Thank you for the joy you add to my life. Thank you for sharing your pain.

    I hold you close to my heart, and wish ALL good things for you in 2014, for you and your family!

    REACH for the stars *•**.•**•***••*

    With love from Sue xx

  66. Dearest France,
    Thank you for your bravery and your honesty! I applaud your courage, and your inspiration.

    19 years ago I had surgery that went tragically wrong.
    I lost so much of my life, and live in constant, debilitating pain.

    Discovering videos on YouTube, taking on-line Art courses, and meeting like-minded people through blogs & Facebook saved me!

    I recently discovered your work, and I love everything that you create. I subscribed and get so excited when there is a new video to watch.

    Thank you again for inspiring SO many people to "create". Thank you for the joy you add to my life. Thank you for sharing your pain.

    I hold you close to my heart, and wish ALL good things for you in 2014, for you and your family!

    REACH for the stars *•**.•**•***••*

    With love from Sue xx

  67. I understand having to deal with pain. I feel for ya hugs xoxo

  68. Hi france,
    I am very new in this field, I happen to find you on youtube. Your art journal pages had something different &special, which I can understand now. Your art comes from your soul. Thus inspires people. Bless you for showing me a way to myself.
    Thnx a lot.

  69. Hi france,
    I am very new in this field, I happen to find you on youtube. Your art journal pages had something different &special, which I can understand now. Your art comes from your soul. Thus inspires people. Bless you for showing me a way to myself.
    Thnx a lot.


Merci pour vos petits mots qui sont pour moi de vrais encouragements! :)
Thanks for your kind words, they're a real encouragement to me! :)